Name                            17/02/24 16/03/24 6/04/24 13/04/24 12/05/24 18/05/24 Best 4
Scores to
Reuben Lawler 69 71 74 74 74 75 297   1  $    450
Darryn Ashwell 68 72 73 72 73 74 292   2  $    250
Selena Yang 71 72 68 72 70 72 287   3  $    150
Tim Fuller 73 69 72 70 70 68 285   3  $    100
Ian Hovenden 72 66 71 19 74 67 284   4  $      50
Connor Lim 64 74 72 66 68 0 280   5  
Murray O'Neill 0 71 72 68 66 60 277   6  
Allan Campbell 72 65 0 0 70 65 272   7  
Yvonne Challis 0 64 70 67 61 60 262   8  
Ranbir Sandhu 71 60 66 0 61 0 258   9  
Ian Clark 0 70 71 65 0 0 206   10  
Bruce McMillan 64 54 0 0 0 0 118   11  

Series Format

The Waitemata ISSF Trap Series is shot as the best 4 from 6 rounds on a Handicap basis.  

The entry fee for each shoot is $50.  In addition, there is a "one off" $50 entry fee for the Series.
Numbers will be limited to a maximum of 24 shooters. If space is available, shooters who do not enter the Series, will be able to enter individual rounds.

Shoots are over 75 targets.

Nominations on Each Shoot Day

Nominations will open at 12 noon for Series entrants.

Nominations will open to other interested shooters at 12.15 pm.

Shooting will commence at 12.30pm at the latest.

Waitemata Trench Series shoot dates - see dates on Results Sheet above

Series Prize Pool











A tie for any position over the Series will be settled by shoot off.


On each competition day each shooter will receive “Targets in” based on their Handicap Percentage.

 Handicap %

Targets in per 25

96% and above


92% - 95.9%


84% - 91.9%


76% - 83.9%


68% - 75.9%


under 68%



“Targets in” will be added to each shooter’s round of 25 targets to give a “Round Net Score”.  The "Day Net Score" out of 75, will be calculated by adding the 3 "Round Net Scores" together. The maximum "Round Net Score" for the purpose of calculating the "Day Net Score" will be 25.  ie if any "Round Net Score" is calculated at more than 25 it will be deemed to be 25 for the purposes of calculating the "Day Net Score". 


  • Each shooter’s 4 best qualifying “Day Net Scores” from a maximum of 6 possible shoots, will count towards overall standings.
  • Entry to the Waitemata Trench series is optional and can be paid at any time during the series (subject to available space in the competition). Only scores recorded after payment has been made will be considered qualifying scores. Not all individual shoots need be entered.
  • Entry fee for the WTS will be $50 covering the whole series and will be in addition to the regular shoot fees and sweeps payable on each day.
  • For the purposes of the WTS, a shooters Handicap Percentage will be deemed to be the higher of their current NZCTA handicap percentage and the highest Handicap Percentage the shooter has had at any previous WTS shoot during the 2024 WTS.
  • If there are less than 6 entrants in the WTS it will be declared “no competition” and the WTS entry fee paid by any entrants will be refunded and the prize pool withdrawn.

Waitemata CTC reserves the right to amend any aspect of any shoot or the Series, including cancellation, as it sees fit and at its sole discretion.  The decision of the Waitemata CTC is binding and final in all circumstances.